Posts in Inspire You
Practice Being Awe-Full This Season

I experimented these past few weeks taking photos of my routine, daily habits. I wanted to see the familiar with new eyes. On the first night, I captured this vivid scarlet and plum sunset over the snow Park City mountains. It was one of those breathtaking moments where I just stood overwhelmed by the grandeur of the scene. I grabbed my camera but knew the moment was more than what I could see - the point was the emotions of what it evoked. Wonderment.

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The love of lists

I’m a list lover. I have lists for all kinds of subjects. Books to be read. Christmas gifts. Books I have read. Family birthdays. Things to do before it snows. Things to do after it snows. Books I love. Places to visit. In fact, I have a list of all my lists!

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My love affair with sunflowers

In the summer of my 10th birthday, my mother planted mammoth sunflower seeds in our garden. We watched those small black seeds turn into gargantuan plants well over 10 feet tall! The sunflower head was larger than my head and I was awe-struck with the orderly but artistic pattern of the black seeds embedded into its face. My brother and I proudly dragged one of these plants to school for our summer “show and tell.” I’m not sure my fellow students were as impressed as I was, but it was one of my best ever summer experiences.

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