I’m starting over as a humble beginner

I was so excited to start my blog and stay in touch with all of you that I didn’t take the time to be sure all the clicks and connections were working. With help, I’ve made enough progress to start again and you’ll now receive an email when there is a new post. I’m working hard to be sure you’re excited to open the link for a boost of wit, wisdom, and inspiration.

Taking time to prepare does not come naturally to me. It actually is quite annoying. My thinking is more like, “let’s just do this and we’ll figure out the details as we go along.” After a few days of discouragement when this thinking style wasn’t working, I realized that it’s pretty tough to fake something you don’t know. There is a big distinction between moving ahead with something when you have some experience and skills versus moving ahead with things you know nothing about.

When my six-year-old nephew acts like he knows how to play a new game I can spot this pretend-you-know-it thinking quickly. But, boy did I miss it when I was playing it! I can say I’m a beginner, but now I need to act like a beginner.



Humbly, I’m moving from being a mental health expert in a resource rich corporation, to a self-employed beginner – a kindergartener! I’m slowing down, investing time for study and lots of practice, and gathering a resource team. And don’t forget the afternoon naps – if they work to help young children learn better, I’m sure they’ll help this older person learn better, too.


“You can learn new things at any time in your life if you're willing to be a beginner. If you actually learn to like being a beginner, the whole world opens up to you.” 
                                                                                                                                       ― Barbara Sher