These Good Things: Turn Down the Noise — D&C 10, 11
Come, Follow Me: Doctrine and Covenants 2025
(February 10-16)
Three Thoughts from Me
Satan’s marketing team is even more remarkable than those who create Super Bowl commercials. Their target is to keep people away from God; do whatever it takes to counter, interfere, and discontinue personal revelation. Make it seem like the heavens are closed and God has gone far away because He doesn’t care, doesn’t listen and for sure doesn’t answer prayers.
Their brilliant strategy is to create noise, in many forms. Consider these types of noise:
The noise of busyness—I’m too busy to sit in quiet times with the Lord,
The noise of urgent—I must respond to this text, email, or call before I pray,
The noise of comparison—I need to do what others are doing or have what others have,
The noise of dopamine hits-I need to check my phone, NOW,
Actual noise-I need to have noise around me.
Making time for the Lord will rarely feel urgent or have a deadline. He will not lure us in with musical videos or magical photos. His promptings will not come with a ding or a ring. He only comes when we invite Him into an intentional space of stillness and quiet.
Two Quotes from Others
“And on this wise, the devil has sought to lay a cunning plan, that he may destroy this work” (D&C 10:12). “Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means provided to enable you to translate; but be diligent unto the end. Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work” (D&C 4, 5).
“Even though our salvation depends on returning to Him often and resting from the cares of the world, we do not. And even though our confidence will come from a strength developed in quiet times sitting with the Lord in meditation and reflection, we do not. Why not? Because we say, ‘No, we are busy with other things’…. Therefore, we will get further and further away from God; we will insist on going faster and faster, and the faster we go, the swifter Satan will follow in pursuit.” -Bishop L. Todd Budge
One Question for You
What noise is interfering with your ability to receive revelation from God? If it continues, what will be the consequence?
Worth Reading: Seek Him with All Your Heart, Bishop L. Todd Budge