Ponder These Things — Moroni 10
Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon 2024 (December 16–22)
Ponder These Things
For one year these weekly messages have looked for lessons from Book of Mormon stories and teachings on how to do hard divinely better. Astonishingly, the Book of Mormon reflects the same hard challenges of today. Family conflict, fear, loneliness, anxiety, political discourse, wars, rationalizations for wickedness–it’s all there. With each problem, there are examples of responding with faith, hope and charity or reacting with fear, doubt and pride.
In his last words, Moroni exhorts us to ponder in our hearts our personal experience with this reading of the Book of Mormon. I encourage you to find a quiet, distraction-free place with sufficient uninterrupted time to do this reflection. Grab a notebook and ponder what you’ve learned from the Book of Mormon on how to do hard divinely better. Here are some questions to consider:
What was hard for you this year? Were there any themes?
Did you respond better to hard times this year than you would have previously? If yes, what did you do or how did you think differently?
How did the Book of Mormon influence you to do hard divinely better? Was there a specific person or story that you loved?
What are you taking with you into 2025 from reading the Book of Mormon this year?
My hard list was long, but as I wrote it, I was compelled to write a “good” column next to it. The good list was twice as long! That’s a lesson!
The theme of my challenges this year was “broken”: broken bones, water pipes and fences, broken perceptions and expectations. Each situation brought a new chance to practice a better response. I made progress but have been deeply humbled to realize I need more faith and heavenly assistance. I don’t need to pull the wagon by myself (Matthew 11:29).
Ether 12 was written for me this year. I pondered this chapter deeply and sought revelation as to how faith, hope and charity apply to me. I take Moroni’s message in Ether 12:41 into 2025 with me, “And now, I would commend you to seek this Jesus…”. Seek Him more. Seek Him first.
Do Hard Divinely Better Lesson #50: Ponder in your heart how the Book of Mormon has helped you do hard divinely better this year.
I’m considering compiling all these 2024 messages into a printed copy. Interested? Email me at terria.flint@gmail.com.