A Time to Check Your Preparedness — 3 Nephi 12–16

Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon 2024 (September 30-October 6)

Photo of hand filling out an Emergency Preparation List, surounded by emergency items.

A ministering sister once shared her family tradition on General Conference weekend. In April and October, they would take out their 72-hour kits and review and renew the contents. This included updating medications, replacing expired food, exchanging clothing and adding any new necessities. This practice ensured they were well-prepared for a physical emergency for the next six months. What a smart and wise practice!

Likewise, General Conference is the perfect time to review and renew our spiritual preparation for hard times ahead. Check your sacred rituals. What’s working? What would work better? Is there an outdated practice that needs replacing with a new skill? What needs to be added to your “Do Hard Divinely Better” toolkit for the next six months? 

Most trials and challenges in life are not in our control, but being prepared is what we can do to “sleep when the wind blows.”

“General conference provides an opportunity to receive personal revelation as general Church leaders give counsel and direction from the Lord. We encourage all to listen to, study, ponder, and apply the counsel and direction given,” stated the First Presidency of the Church (letter to congregation leaders, September 5, 2024).

Do Hard Divinely Better Lesson #37: Use general conference weekend as a time of reviewing and renewing your spiritual “emergency” kit so you’re prepared when hard happens.