Creating Good Moments and Kummerspeck
Miss Fischer
& Kummerspeck
I want to share 10 activities that are helping me create good moments while staying at home. Any combination of these are part of my daily routine and while they’re simple, they lift me up. Maybe they’ll give you some new ideas to add to your list.
1. Watching and listening to inspirational songs on You Tube. Watch Susan Boyle’s Audition on British Got Talent show, “This is Me” with Keala Settle in a practice for the World’s Greatest Showman, or “The Prayer” by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli. Every time I watch these, I get a rush of good adrenaline and tingle with delight.
2. Good news. John Krasinski produces Some Good News (SGN) on You Tube where he highlights the good that is happening. Josh Groban does a weekly #showersong. And at the end of most news stories, they highlight the wonderful and amazing charitable acts that are happening across the world. Actually, I only tune into the news to hear these stories. Thank goodness for sewing machines and people who know how to use them, eh!
3. Yard walking. I count it a blessing that this pandemic is occurring in the Spring here in Utah. Each day, I scout my yard for the evolution of winter into spring—noticing each small change with daffodils unfolding, the tweeting of robins in the trees, and sitting in the sun. Today, however, it’s snowing and instead of the robin in the tree, there is a big raccoon snuggled in the branches. You never know what you’ll find on my yard walk.
4. Creative learning. Miss Mustard Seed is a blogger I’ve followed for many years and she’s posted videos on how to crochet a dishcloth and begin oil painting. While I don’t oil paint, there is something inspiring in watching her create art in front of your eyes in an hour or so. I’ve also discovered online art museum tours. Traveling through the internet to Amsterdam to see works of Van Gogh is safe and satisfying.
5. Online Pilates. I discovered Pilates a few years ago and I’m now passionate about this wonderful physical activity that strengthens my core and gives me flexibility and balance. If you’ve always wanted to try it, the TOSH program at Intermountain Healthcare is posting free workout videos on You Tube. Just type in Tosh and Pilates.
6. Comfort reading. There are books that are like old friends to me and these are what I’ve been drawn to over the past few weeks. Strangely, one of these friends is Gabriel Allon, who is the hero in books written by Daniel Silva. I say strangely because Gabriel is an Israeli spy who makes the world a bit safer from the bad guys by killing them! Maybe I’m looking for a hero or maybe I just love the escape, whatever it is, it’s a good read these days.
7. Check-ins. How amazing it is to have time to check-in regularly with family and friends. It’s so easy to send an email, text, send a picture, or call someone who’s name pops into your head. I’ve especially loved online meetings and neighborhood drive-byes.
8. Comfort eating. Kummerspeck is the German name for weight gained by emotional eating—specifically, the excessive eating people do in times of stress or sorrow. Ice cream has been the source of my kummerspeck – especially when I add hot fudge sauce. I’m working on tasting all Tillamook flavors so I’m well prepared for future summer parties with my favorite.
9. Food exchanges. Have you traded paper towels for eggs or yeast for hand sanitizer? Maybe I’m a pioneer woman wanna-be, but it feels satisfying to trade goods instead of money with my neighbors.
10. Acorn. Do you know that it typically takes about 20 minutes for people to find a show they want to watch on Netflix and Prime? That search just drives me crazy, crazy. But I love the Miss Fischer series so I recently joined Acorn (free for 30 days). Finding a good find has been much easier and if you haven’t discovered Miss Fischer, you’re missing a fun, fashionista, detective!
What simple activities have you discovered that provide moments of comfort, fun, and pleasure? Remember to live in these moments. Don’t waste them by wishing and waiting for better ones ahead.