What’s your protection scripture? – Matthew 4; Luke 4-5
Come, Follow Me: New Testament 2023 (Jan. 30–Feb. 5)
When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, Jesus responded with scripture. Each scriptural response protected Jesus while thwarting Satan’s attempts to divert Him from His mission.
Following Jesus’ example, could scriptures do the same for us? Wonder if we identified scriptures that give us strength and courage when confronted with temptation, discouragement, or self-doubt? And, if we took time to memorize these scriptures so they could be recalled perfectly in time of need, wouldn’t that be so helpful?
Elder Richard C. Scott shares his testimony about this idea:
“I suggest that you memorize scriptures that touch your heart and fill your soul with understanding. When scriptures are used as the Lord has caused them to be recorded, they have intrinsic power that is not communicated when paraphrased. Sometimes when there is a significant need in my life, I review mentally scriptures that have given me strength. There is great solace, direction, and power that flow from the scriptures, especially the words of the Lord.”
“Great power can come from memorizing scriptures. To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort, and be a source of motivation for needed change.”
Power. Strength. Solace. Direction. A new friendship. Inspiration. Comfort. A source of motivation. Elder Scott is explicit in the promises that come to us as we follow Christ’s pattern of applying scriptures to all parts of our lives.
Start by memorizing your favorite scripture. Then experiment with using it when you need protection or an extra boost of power, using it as your portable power battery. Observe what happens. Discover the difference between reading the scripture and memorizing it.
What is your protection scripture? I’d love for you to share in the comments.
Emotional Resilience Skill: Memorized sacred scriptures become a power tool in your life management toolbox in times of distress.