What Would Jesus Do? - Introduction
Come, Follow Me: New Testament 2023 - (Dec. 26-Jan. 1)
Do you remember the wristband with the letters WWJD imprinted on it? It was a physical cue to ask yourself often, “What Would Jesus Do?”. Being able to answer that question requires us to know about Jesus and how He lived his life so we can see the example that He set. It also includes being familiar with His teachings on what to do in specific situations.
Part of God’s plan is for us to grow and change by facing challenges and trials. Dealing with these difficult times successfully requires faith in Jesus Christ and the mindset and skills of emotional resilience. Emotional resilience is the ability to adapt to the challenge with courage and learn needful lessons as we journey to become more like Him.
As a facilitator of the Emotional Resilience course in my stake, I wrote a weekly message for my ward newsletter on resilience in 2022. Along the way I discovered valuable content embedded in the Old Testament scriptures being studied in Come, Follow Me. In every lesson there was a spiritual teaching or skill that is supported by modern-day science on resilience.
This year I will share the emotional resilience lessons found in the New Testament. The intention of these e-tips is to teach, encourage, and support you in becoming emotionally and spiritually resilient, strengthening your ability to answer with confidence the question, “What would Jesus do?”.
“For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:15)