What We Can Learn from the Boys in the Boat – Matthew 8; Mark 2–4; Luke 7

Come, Follow Me: New Testament 2023 (Feb. 27–Mar. 5)

Storm at Sea

Have you learned and accepted these three truths?

Truth 1: There will always be storms or troubles in our lives. Expect them.

Truth 2: Trials are part of the eternal plan. We chose to experience them.

Truth 3: With each difficult experience comes a second choice: 

Will I learn and grow stronger with each storm (become more resilient) by leaning into the Savior and my covenants, increasing my faith and knowledge of grace?


Will I squander the opportunity, looking to the world for relief instead of Him, and feel angry and bitter that there even was a storm?

Maybe these are the truths that Christ was teaching his young disciples when they found themselves amid a terrifying storm on the Sea of Galilee. There they were, experienced fishermen who knew the lake well and had been in many storms, but this one is causing them to fear for their lives, while Jesus is curled up sound asleep! They knew he could do something about it, “Lord, save us: we perish” (Matthew 8:25). “Master, carest thou not that we perish?” (Luke 4:38).  When he answers their cries for help by rebuking the wind and the sea, while relieved, they still marveled at his power saying, “What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!” (Luke 4:41). No doubt, each disciple learned from this storm, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me” (Phil 4:13).

“To lean in with our faith when facing strong headwinds–to sincerely strive each day to do what we covenanted with the Savior we would do, even and especially when we are tired, worried, and wrestling with troubling questions and issues–is to gradually receive His light, His strength, His love, His Spirit, His peace.” (This is from the talk “Wholehearted” by Sister Michelle D. Craig in the last General Conference and is worth reading!)

When you find yourself in the next storm, remember your choices. By choosing to always keep Christ in your boat, you may learn, in due time, how to sleep when the wind blows. 

Emotional Resilience Skill: Choose to learn and grow from each storm in your life, becoming more confident and skilled to manage whatever comes your way.