Try This to Think Celestial — 1 and 2 Thessalonians
Come, Follow Me: New Testament 2023 (October 16—22)
I doubt I’m the only one who feels overwhelmed with the challenge of our dear prophet to “think celestial.” It’s a big ask. It’s the only ask of this mortal life. It’s the choice we made long ago and are continually being called to remember by our apostles and prophets, past and present.
Paul’s letters to the church of the Thessalonians were helpful this week in helping process the charge to “think celestial.” They, like us, were surrounded by worldly cares and trying hard to be like Jesus. Among the list of encouragements, Paul gives the advice to “quench not the Spirit” (I Thes 5:19). I know what he means when he uses the word “quench.” It’s when I talk myself out of the nudge to do or say something good. It’s when I ignore the direction to say “no” or say “yes”. It’s when I squelch the voice of the heavenly guide that can help me “think celestial”.
Gary Stevenson, an apostle of today expands on the words of Paul and gives us a daily task to try. “As we listen and act on spiritual promptings, the Holy Ghost magnifies our abilities and capacities to far exceed what we can do on our own. These precious spiritual gifts will help us in every aspect of our lives.”
“Many of you start your day by standing in front of a mirror. Tomorrow, this week, this year, always, pause as you look at yourself in the mirror. Think to yourself, or say aloud if you like, “Wow, look at me! I am awesome! I am a child of God! He knows me! He loves me! I am gifted—gifted with the Holy Ghost as my constant companion!”
Let’s do this. It’s easy. It’s fun. And it comes from an apostle who wants us to succeed in not only thinking celestial, but becoming celestial.