Seeking Divine Glimmers (or Delights) — 2 Nephi 11–19
Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon 2024 (February 26–March 2)
In the area of psychology today there’s a lot of emphasis on providing trauma-informed care. This means being aware of the possible traumatic experiences of others that can be influencing their current behaviors. A common behavior of traumatic survivors is being easily triggered by anything that reminds them of past experiences or of their thoughts and feelings related to an event. Triggers evoke negative emotions and often unhealthy responses.
Glimmers, however, can spark positive emotions and cue the nervous system to relax. Deb Dana, a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in complex trauma, describes glimmers as tiny, seemingly insignificant moments when you feel a sense of joy, pleasure, peace, and gratitude.
Glimmers come in simple, daily things like smelling a rose, listening to rain, tasting a delicious dessert, or cuddling a baby. They come in hearing a song that touches your heart, seeing an art piece that speaks to your spirit or seeing a rainbow and hearing heaven whisper, “Do you like it? I made it just for you?”
Nephi shares a list of his glimmers beginning in 1 Nephi 4:15: “For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard” (1 Nephi 4:15). The list continues in 2 Nephi 11. He delights in Isaiah’s words, the covenants of the Lord, and the grace and justice of God, etc. No doubt, his delights, or glimmers, helped him overcome the significant trauma he endured after leaving Jerusalem.
Regardless of your life experiences, triggers result in darkness and despair. Light and hope are found in glimmers. To increase glimmer experiences, spend time in places that nourish you and connect with people you enjoy (it could even be Isaiah!). Divine glimmers come in partaking of the sacrament, discovering the scripture that answers a problem, learning about Christ with others who love Him, and feeling His love for you.
Do Hard Divinely Better Lesson #9: Make a list of what delights you and look for daily glimmers.