It Would Be Unthinkable! — Moroni 1–6
Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon 2024 (December 2–8)
“Sacrament meeting is a sacred time. If properly understood, no one would intentionally miss partaking of the sacrament and honoring the Sabbath day. It would be unthinkable!” These recent words by Elder Kevin Pearson touched my heart. While I’m a consistent church attender, I’ve never consciously considered the taking of the sacrament to be at this level.
We know these things about the sacrament. When we partake of the sacrament, we remember Him and renew our commitments to Him. He, in turn, renews His promise to forgive our sins and to enable us to “always have his Spirit to be with them.” Having a member of the Godhead within whisper distance is truly one of the greatest gifts we could have to help us do hard things in mortality, and is now essential for our spiritual survival, “In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost” (President Russell M. Nelson).
The Come, Follow Me manual asks this question, “What can you do to make the sacrament the spiritual highlight of your week?” By adding Elder Pearson’s words, the question becomes, “How can you make the sacrament such a spiritual highlight, you wouldn’t consider missing it because it’s the most important hour of your week? “
Improving my sacrament experience isn’t as much about adding tasks, as it is shifting my mindset to the sacred nature of a weekly ritual that has become at times mindless and mundane. It’s just not sitting on the pew but being fully present in my mind and heart to the promises being exchanged. It’s a divine reset for what really matters in life and in the week ahead. Whatever I can do to prepare for this level of engagement is worth doing.
Missing sacrament today, unthinkable? Not so much. But starting now? Yes! That’s where I want to be.
Do Hard Divinely Better Lesson #48: Make the sacrament the spiritual highlight of your week.