3-2-1 The Value of Seeking Quiet
“It is in this stillness that we can be present and finally see truth.”
Ryan Holiday
3 Thoughts from Terri
A significant skill of resiliency is self-awareness or being able to observe and consider your thoughts, feelings, and actions. This process happens best with uninterrupted, quiet time when you’re well-rested.
Uninterrupted, quiet time does not come easily these days. If we previously blamed those around us for clatter and clamor, we must now take responsibility for the noise we incessantly let into our lives. Can’t you feel and hear a herd of raucous elephants trample through your mind and your home as soon as you open your phone, computer, or TV? As social media competes for your attention and money, the messages are becoming even louder and audacious.
Finding consistent time to reflect begins with a belief and an intention that there is value in seeking quiet. Once you make the decision, look for spaces in your life where you can choose quiet. It may be driving or walking in quiet. Maybe it’s an early morning or late evening pause. When you find it, label it, “Ah, this is quiet.”
2 Thoughts from Others
“It is in this stillness that we can be present and finally see truth. It is in this stillness that we can hear the voice inside us.” Ryan Holiday
“Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
1 Challenge to You
Before you open social media, ask yourself, “Do I need noise, or do I need quiet right now? What will bring me the peace I am seeking?”