Life Experienced with Terri Anne Flint

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What Name Do You Call Him? — Christmas

Come, Follow Me: New Testament 2023 (December 18—24)

What name did your mom call you? You know the one. The name when you knew you were in trouble. A chore left undone. A broken vase. A call from the school. Yes. The name said it all. 

There are hundreds of names of Christ in the scriptures. We’ve read many of them this year in the New Testament, and the Book of Mormon will reveal more. Why so many? 

His many names define and describe who He is. We understand Him and His mission when we consider names like Anointed One, Redeemer, Advocate, King of Kings, Savior, The Way.

Names also describe the relationship we have with Christ and the role He has in our life at any given moment. Light. Good Shepherd. Friend. Counselor. Living Water. Bread of Life. Gift. Savior. 

This year, Christ was my loving Friend and “cheerleader”. My prayer journal is filled with words of support and encouragement from Him, “We’re cheering you on. You can do this. You can do hard. You were born to do hard.” 

The New Testament also taught me He is my Advocate. In Philemon, Paul writes to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus who had previously offended Philemon. Acting as an advocate, Paul requests Philemon to accept Onesimus back “not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother beloved…” (Philemon 16). Paul also offers to repay anything that Onesimus owes, “If thou count me therefore a partner, receive him as myself. If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee ought, put that on my account” (Philemon 17, 18). This story is my story. I am the imperfect servant who requires an advocate for my entrance into the presence of Heavenly Father and who will pay the debts I cannot pay. Oh, how I cherish his role of Advocate in my life.

What name of Christ have you experienced this year? What role did He play in your 2023 story?

“I encourage you to know Him not only through His teachings, His miracles and His parables, but to know Him by His many names” (Elder Ronald A. Rasband)