We All Need Headlamps — 2 Nephi 31–33
Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon 2024 (March 18–24)
Before this winter season began, I evaluated what I had learned from last winter, a record-breaking snow season. This examination resulted in the purchase of a headlamp. In the early, dark mornings I need my hands free as I walk or snowshoe my way to the barn. Replacing the flashlight with a headlamp was a simple exchange but has resulted in a steady stream of light, guiding me on the path with increased safety and perspective.
The Holy Ghost is our headlamp with Christ being the power source. Like the headlamp, the Holy Ghost is there to guide us through darkness and difficult storms. “For behold, again I say unto you that if ye will enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do” (2 Nephi 32:5).
Putting on the headlamp is an intentional, conscientious choice, as is paying attention to the promptings and answers that come from the Holy Ghost. This winter, I’ve never missed a morning without putting on my headlamp. Why then, do I miss days without listening to the Holy Ghost?
Kevin Pearson in a BYU Speeches talk, The Abundant Life, said, “If we really understood the divine role of the Holy Ghost, we would do whatever it took to have His Spirit with us.” This repeats President Nelson’s plea to us, “do whatever it takes to increase [our] spiritual capacity to receive personal revelation.”
Upon recent reflection, I realized that being busy is THE obstacle between me and the Spirit. As soon as I say “amen” after morning prayer, my to-do list takes charge of my life filling every space until I crash into bed at night. Busy keeps me from always having the Spirit to be with me.
Busy is my middle name. It’s in my genes. I inherited it from my parents and grandparents. It might be my personal addiction. Doing whatever it takes to overcome my “busyism” will be hard. It will be like learning to use my left hand instead of my right hand. Even harder than giving up diet coke! But I’m ready. And, I know who can show me what to do.
Do Hard Divinely Better Lesson #12: Reflect on what keeps you from having the Spirit to always be with you. Are you ready to do whatever it takes to overcome your obstacle?