Life Experienced with Terri Anne Flint

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Practice Hard with Isaiah — 2 Nephi 20–25

Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon 2024 (March 4–10)

Did you do it? Did you study the Isaiah chapters in the Book of Mormon? Did you practice doing something hard divinely better? 

We don’t have to wait for a crisis before practicing doing hard things. We can look for opportunities to strengthen our muscles of commitment, practice, and endurance by digging into something challenging and working our way through it without throwing up our hands and giving up. Reading Isaiah is the perfect opportunity.

Isaiah is the most quoted prophet in all scripture. He is quoted in the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and New Testament. Even Jesus quotes Isaiah! So why would we skip these highly valued words even though it takes effort to read and understand? Could we discover for ourselves what “everyone” is talking about?

My niece, who has a very busy life with three active boys, was an example to me this week of choosing to do hard. She admits her historical resistance to reading the Isaiah chapters has often led to a detour of finishing the rest of the Book of Mormon. But this last week she took a different approach. After listening to a motivating Come Follow Me podcast about Isaiah, she made the decision to be willing and open to what messages these chapters held for her. 

She began with three simple questions: 1) Why did Nephi like Isaiah so much? 2) How did Isaiah’s words apply to Nephi’s situation? and 3) What can I learn and apply to my life today?

Her confidence glowed as she shared her discoveries with our family study group and her insightful answers were confirmed by the Holy Ghost as true.

Her story offers important skills of doing hard better. Transform resistance into willingness and openness. Look for resources that inform and motivate. Make it simple by choosing small steps. Dig in with grit. Take a break, but don’t give up. Celebrate and share success. 

It’s not too late for you to do something hard this week. There are still chapters left to study with Isaiah. Give it a try with one question, one chapter or one verse. 

Do Hard Divinely Better Lesson #10: Look for opportunities to practice doing hard. Notice what helps you keep going when you want to quit.